Plan a loan for 8 Years with 8 years auto Loan Calculator

8 Year Auto Loan Calculator

Here is the free tool to manage your Auto loan which is of 8 Year duration. This Loan Calculator will manage every detail including payments, interest, dates of the EMI etc with single click. This will help you plan the schedule in a more better and more effective way.

8 Year Auto Loan Calculator
calculator for 8 Year Auto Loan

8 Year Auto Loan Calculator

8 Year Auto Loan calculator will consider the Loan Amount, rate of interest and will give you the precise details for the next 8 year duration. You can select the option to pay yearly, semi annually, quarterly, monthly and so on. Whichever term you opt for, the script will perform the mathematics and will show the graphical representation for the complete duration.

Here is the free tool for you:

Steps to Use :

  1. Enter the Following Values:
    • Loan Amount
    • Downpayment
    • Rate of interest
    • Loan Duration (8 years in this case).
    • Loan payment options.
  2. Hit Calculate.
  3. Deatails of the loan payment as per the selected option will pop up.
  4. Analyze the details.

You can close the pop up and re-enter the details to analyse again with different values. There is no limit of reusing the tool.


The longer you keep a loan, the more interest you pay.

We suggest you to compare the loan tenure with the same amount. For eg, you can refer same loan amount, rate of interest with differnt loan duration.Changing your loan duration with one year also saves good amount of money.

Here is a sweet interest calculator below, which will help you see the applicable interest for you. Just enter the values with particular loan duration and see the applicable interest for you. Now just reduce the loan duration and see how this will effect your applicable interest value. Considering your budget and savings, you can plan better about which loan duration you should go with. Once you decide the loan duration, you may get the complete payment details in the above given calculator.